19 April 2007

You can't save the world.

Only Jesus can save the world. I'm serious. Only Jesus and Jesus only.

However, a lot of people are trying to save Darfur.

Including these guys. Which is really cool. I really hope all of these college campaigns don't die out as soon as we all realize that the real world doesn't take kindly to creative social-spiritual activism.

This is what they have to say:
"Artists' expressions have sparked movements against social
injustice for centuries. We believe it can happen again.
Film, Music, Literature - creative expression - moves
the deepest parts of a person's mind and body and can often
speak clearer than the longest speech by any politician
or the longest sermon by any pastor. So, we are committed
to allowing our talents and the talents of the
artists who will participate in our concerts to move tremendously
across nations and minds and to end the injustice
that is being seen in Africa and other parts of the world.
Hear the music and then go end the injustice."

I like the last sentence the best. Money won't save Darfur. Concerts won't save Darfur. Prayer without compassionate sacrificial action on someone's part won't save Darfur. People have to go end the injustice, and they MUST bring Jesus with them.

You can't save the world and neither can I.

Will you go? Will I go? What are we going to do?

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